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How to increase sales in real estate | 14 tips for closing

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Real estate is a market that keeps growing.

In fact, in the United States, it is expected to reach almost $120 trillion by the end of 2024. To put it into perspective, that is almost three times more than the combined GDP of the U.S. and China!

While the market might be attractive, the number of real estate agents is growing as well.

With competition that fierce, it’s important to find the edge that sets you apart from all the other real estate agents.

So we asked several real estate sales pros to share their top tips for succeeding in the world of real estate sales.

And here’s what they said.

1. Build your online presence

If you’re looking for ways to grow the number of real estate clients, the first advice you’ll hear is to tap into your existing social circles, which include friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues.

But these circles are limited.

If you continuously nurture them, they can be a valuable source for referrals and organic expansion of your real estate business but it might not be enough for rapid growth.

So you need to work on your online presence to increase the chances of getting more exposure in front of potential clients:

  • Learn the ins and outs of local SEO for your website.
  • Keep your information and contact details accurate and up-to-date.
  • Actively post and engage across different social media channels.

Depending on how your real estate business is currently doing, you might also consider paid advertising for a while to see whether it works for you or not.

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2. Provide value

Buying a house or a residential property is probably not something that the majority of your clients do on a regular basis. So you might not be too keen on starting a newsletter.

But real estate is quite a complicated market with a lot of undercurrents—so your existing as well as potential clients will appreciate some guidance.

So don’t shy away from sharing your insider tips and experience. Make sure that every post on your website provides value, even for free.

Identify their pain points and offer solutions and practical tips on your website. In this case, a potential buyer or seller will come across your website while googling for more information.

This will help you position yourself as a real estate expert and authority in your local area.

Here are a few ideas of how you can provide value (what content assets you can create):

  • neighborhood guides,
  • home-buying checklists,
  • home-staging tips,
  • market reports with your expert observations/insights,
  • first-time homebuyer tips,
  • video walkthroughs of your current listings,
  • home renovation guides.

If you have a solid list of past clients from one area, you can create a newsletter that can include community events, downsizing/rightsizing tips, or any other information.

This will set you apart from the competition and help you foster long-lasting relationships with clients, which, in turn, can lead to more referrals in the future.

3. Overcome the fear of promotion

According to the National Association of Realtors, over half of all real estate agents use their websites to promote their listings, while social media was cited as the best source for generating high-quality leads.

In his advice, Nathan Sanderson, Development Manager at Sanderson Group, highlighted the importance of healthy promotion.

Nathan realtor OnePageCRM

“Good advertising and marketing must be placed on a pedestal of super client satisfaction.”

As in any other business, in real estate, it’s important to overcome the fear of self-promotion.

Here are a few practical tips that can help you get started:

  1. Shift your focus. Promotion shouldn’t be self-focused. Instead, focus on your clients. Healthy promotion is not about bragging but about sharing your expertise and helping potential and existing clients make informed decisions. Don’t talk about you, talk about them.
  2. Use testimonials and reviews. Let your clients do the talking. Share positive testimonials and reviews on your website, social media, and marketing materials to show your skills and the quality of your services.
  3. Start small. Starting small is a sure way to stay consistent. Share house-hunting tips on social media regularly, or commit to writing a new blog post every month. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase your promo efforts.

4. Be curious

Having a curious mindset helps you better understand your clients and their needs.

After all, you’re not the main character in this story—your clients are the ones making one of the most important investments in their lives.

Scott Fraser, Founder and CEO at Investn, has a simple truth to share with novice real estate agents: “Selling ain’t telling.” 

Scott Fraser real estate sales

“Selling ain’t telling. Time and again I see novice salespeople in all industries giving their sales pitch, describing all of the features and benefits. However, listening and learning to understand your customer by asking the key questions is imperative. This is the only way to learn how you can assist the customer with the right solution.”

So ask the key questions to understand the needs of your customer, offer a matching solution, and save the sales pitch for later. 

5. Actively listen

Asking the right questions is only part of the job. You should actively listen to what your clients say.

In his advice, Cameron John, Realtor at RE/MAX Preferred, referenced the 5th habit of Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”:

Rather than getting straight to the pitch, try to understand the needs of your customer.

This simple truth drastically increases your chances of matching them to their dream property.

Cameron John real estate sales

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood. It’s great advice for the sales world. Ask questions and listen until your client is finished speaking. Let them get it all out so they know you’ve listened and you understand them and their needs.”

Here are a few tips on how you can implement active listening when interacting with your clients:

  • Avoid assumptions. Resist the temptation to make assumptions or jump to conclusions. Your experiences are your own and might not reflect what your clients are thinking or feeling. Even if there are some apparent similarities, every client has unique circumstances.
  • Ask clarifying questions. Ask follow-up questions if something is unclear or if you need more details. Questions like “Can you elaborate on that?” or “What did you mean by…?” can help you gain a deeper understanding.
  • Take notes. During your interactions with clients, take notes to capture important details, preferences, or concerns. Save these notes to your CRM to keep them all in one place. These notes will provide you with a reference for follow-up or future conversations.

6. Make sales calls

Eric Harris, Commercial Real Estate Broker for Office & Industrial Leasing at Perimeter Commercial Real Estate, put a new spin on the ABC (Always Be Closing) sales mantra.

If calls prove to be your most successful sales strategy, start dialing:

Eric Harris real estate sales OnePageCRM

“ABC—Always Be Calling! Whether it’s prospecting, completing current transactions, or reaching out to your existing/former clients to check in, making dials daily will lay the foundation for a strong career. Emails are great and necessary for a multitude of reasons, but those who make it a point to complete daily dials thrive!”

As we often say, the more sales actions you make, the more you sell.

And you’re the one who can determine which sales activities bring you more results.

7. Become a team player

As they say, “if you want to go fast—go alone, if you want to go far—go together.”

This saying might sound used-up, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Especially for the world of real estate sales.

In her advice, Claire Nagel, Global Real Estate Advisor at Synergy Sotheby’s International Realty, focused on the importance of teamwork for efficient and stress-free sales.

Clare Nagel real estate OnePageCRM

“Always work with a good team! Your Realtor, Lender, and Title Officer are all part of a well-oiled machine when it comes to a stress-free closing.”

8. Nurture existing connections

In real estate, relationships are one of the most important business assets.

Expanding your network is great but nurturing existing connections is no less important. Your past clients, who already trust you and know first-hand the quality of your services, can bring referrals, repeat business, and even valuable insider tips into the local market.

By staying top-of-mind and maintaining relationships with them, you’re more likely to become their go-to real estate agent.

Here are some practical tips for nurturing business connections in real estate:

  1. Stay in touch. Check in periodically with your past clients, even if it’s just a quick hello or a friendly update. Your relationship with them continues long after the deal has been closed.
  2. Offer complimentary home appraisals. It won’t hurt from time to time to offer free home appraisals or market value updates to your past clients, even if they’re not looking to sell right now. This keeps you top-of-mind if they ever decide to move again.
  3. Provide value post-sale. Recommend local businesses or services to help your clients easily integrate. These updates and recommendations can include a new restaurant opening, a local barber service, a nearby hiking trail, or any developments and changes happening in the neighborhood.

9. Build a referral system

“Your network is your net worth.” This is especially true for real estate.

Having a referral system can be a game-changer.

To build one, you don’t need some fancy software or a complicated setup. It’s all about having a process and following up regularly.

Instead of relying on occasional referrals, formalize your process. For example, you can develop a “Refer a Friend” campaign. In return, you could offer a gift card or a percentage off your commission for successful referrals.

Also, try exploring non-incentivized avenues for referrals too. Encourage your happy clients to leave reviews and testimonials on your social media pages. This can help with attracting new clients organically.

Recommended reading
How to get a testimonial from a client (10 effective tactics) How to get a testimonial from a client (10 effective tactics)

10. Stay positive

Amar Guemraoui, Realtor and Property Manager at Capital Hill Realty & Management, explained why it’s so important to maintain a positive attitude in real estate sales.

Whether the market is in decline or on the rise, put your head down and stay focused on providing your clients with the best experience possible: 

Amar real estate OnePageCRM

“In sales, and especially in real estate, there are always going to be two perspectives on the market, positive and negative. You need to focus on the positive perspective because no matter what the circumstances are, there will always be sales transactions taking place.”

11. Focus on long-term relationships

No matter the industry, sales is about building trust and relationships.

In real estate, when choosing an agent to work with, the agent’s honesty and trustworthiness are the most important factors for buyers. 

Jonathan Majors, Associate Broker at Perimeter Commercial Real Estate, highlighted the importance of focusing on the right thing.

Jonathan Majors real estate sales OnePageCRM

“Be authentic, be approachable, and find real solutions to your client’s problems. Focus on building genuine long-term relationships versus short-term gain.”

12. Focus on clients

We can’t really say that money doesn’t matter. But what matters even more is the experience you deliver.

Think of it as a long-term investment.

41% of buyers choose a real estate agent based on a recommendation. That means that whether or not you’ll even get a chance to talk to the next customer depends on how well you treated your previous one.

Ursula Gilchrist, Managing Director at Sentinel Homes, sums it up nicely.

Ursula realtor tips

“It’s important to solve a customer’s problem first and not focus on the amount of money you will make.”

Here are a few things you can do to deliver an exceptional client experience:

  • Invest in professional photography and videography to showcase listings.
  • Leverage virtual tours, 3D walkthroughs, or drone footage to provide an immersive experience.
  • Create a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” pack for your new clients.
  • Surprise clients with personalized closing gifts. It should be something small but reflect their interests or hobbies. If they’re an avid reader, consider getting them a recent best-seller or a gift card to the local bookshop.

13. Network strategically

Networking strategically means being intentional about the connections you make.

You can attend local events to meet prospective buyers and sellers.

Besides, spend some time on building strategic partnerships with complementary service providers, such as home stagers, contractors, or interior designers. You can also co-host educational webinars or seminars. This will help you offer comprehensive solutions to your clients.

Look beyond typical partnerships and explore collaborations with local businesses. For instance, you could team up with a popular coffee shop to host networking events.

14. Choose CRM wisely

Amy Quimby, Residential Listing and Sales Specialist at JP and Associates Arlington, prompted to choose a CRM that enhances your sales process, allowing you to close more deals faster. 

And make sure it’s cost-effective.

In 2018, U.S. realtor’s median business expenses were estimated at $4,600. Considering that agents with two or fewer years of experience earn a medium gross income of just $9,300, you’d really want to make sure you get a good ROI.

Amy Quimby realtor

Choose a CRM that enables you to contact leads within seconds and does not cost an arm and a leg. Our business is expensive enough.”


At the end of the day, sales growth in real estate is not just about closing more deals, it’s about building and nurturing business relationships.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a real estate agent is the opportunity to guide clients through one of the most significant milestones in their lives.

By approaching each client with a genuine interest to help, you’ll achieve your sales goals and also leave a lasting positive impact on their lives.

Note. This blog post was first published in October 2020 and updated for relevance in June 2024.
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