How to save contacts to Google Contacts from OnePageCRM

Our Save to Google Contacts integration allows you to quickly and easily add contacts individually or in bulk from OnePageCRM to Google Contacts in one-click helping you keep your Contacts up to date on Google Contacts.

In this article learn how to:
Install Google Contacts
Save an individual contact to Google Contacts
Save contacts in bulk to Google Contacts

How to Install Google Contacts

Go to your User / Profile icon (in the top right-hand corner) → Select  Apps and Integrations.  

Under Communication Apps select Google Contacts    Install.

Under  Configuration, click on Connect.

Allow Google to access your OnePageCRM Account.


You have now connected your Google Contacts Account.

How to save an individual contact to Google Contacts from OnePageCRM


Open a Contact in OnePageCRM.


Select the three dots  → Click on Save to Google Contacts

This will create a Contact in your Google Contacts with name, company, address, phone number(s), email address(es), job title, web URL and profile picture. Background information will be pushed to the notes section in Google Contacts.

Note: If it's your first time using the integration, you'll be asked to verify your Google account.

To open your contact in Google Contacts, select the Three dots icon → hover your mouse over the Google Contacts icon  → Open in Google Contacts.

How to save contacts in bulk to Google Contacts from OnePageCRM

Select all the contacts you wish to bulk save in Google Contacts → click More → select Save to Google Contacts.


  • It's recommended that you save a max of 3,000 contacts at a time. If you want to save more than 3,000 contacts we recommend splitting the contacts into batches of less than 3,000 contacts.
  • You can save a maximum of 25,000 contacts to your Google Contacts account.
  • If you delete a contact in OnePageCRM, the contact will not be deleted in Google Contacts. 
  • To update contact details, you can click Save to Google Contacts again to push updates to Google Contacts. You can only update details of contacts that you've saved to Google Contacts using the above process. If you save an existing contact that was not previously saved from OnePageCRM, this contact will be duplicated in Google Contacts, e.g. if you add a contact manually in Google Contacts and then use the Save to Google Contacts option to the same contact in OnePageCRM, the contact will be duplicate in Google Contacts. 

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